Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jason's Special Day!

 Jason with his kuya Josel

Before you were conceived I wanted you...Before you were born I loved you...Before you were an hour old I would die for you...This is the miracle of a mother's love'...

When I had my first baby. I thought I could not have another one because of a hard deal I experienced. Josel was born with a whooping 8.10 lbs and 28 inches. He is too big for a 5 flat mom like me. I labored for 16 hours and had to undergo vacuum extraction. I told hubby, i think i don't want to have another one.
Two years later, a surprised came.  I struggled and cried the whole 26 hours in the delivery room again, but this time it's worst. When contractions were 20 mins. apart still I wasn't dilated and no progress seen. Epidurals had no effect. They erupted my bag fluid but still no progress. My blood pressure is high, I felt numbness in my whole body and the baby's heart is dropping.  All I could remember in my blurry sight, there were three doctors and two nurses pushing my stretcher and rushed me to an emergency room, put an oxygen in my nose...then I passed out. They've given me general anesthesia.
I felt someone touched my cheeks, it was the nurse trying to wake me up. They're pushing my stretcher to a recovery room. I was unconscious for four hours. They performed an emergency c-section to me.
When I opened my eyes, the nurse held a chubby and cute little baby boy. She laid him down in my chest. I couldn't explained the joy I felt that day. All the pain was gone. For the first time we looked at each other. I can't imagine a day old baby could open their eyes like my chubby did. Our fighter was finally born, an ounce bigger than his big brother. He is 8.11 lbs. I did not hear his little cry in the delivery room because I was unconscious but the minute I looked at his eyes I knew everything would be okay. The nurses told me that he got the loudest cry of all, they called him the fighter. He is still a fighter until now. Not a physical fighter but he fights for what he think is right. He might be a little reserved and strong willed but he's very sweet :)

In  few days he will be turning 14. Oh how the years go by. Happy birthday Jason, may God give the desire of your heart. We love you more than you ever know.

I teased him yesterday that I will show up in his classroom with cupcakes and goodie bags, lol... and you know what teenager will gonna say, they think you will ruin their life if you do that. :) 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Thankful Heart

In filipino culture, we do not have Thanksgiving day. But I remember that in our Patts family tradition we usually have Thanksgiving day where all the family gathered together, not in October or November but we do it on New Years Eve. We had dinner, sharing what they're thankful for, fun and praying together. Even when all of us have their own families now we still carry that tradition till this day and passed it on to our own family! and even more blessed because we do it twice a year :)

But we should have a thankful heart not only once or twice a year, but it should be a daily gratitude of what the Lord had done in our lives?
In Psalm 68:19 says "Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation". This passage was intended to be used in worship by Israel as a song of victory and deliverance. It recounts the many difficulties they endured and speaks of them being afflicted, sinful, experienced hurt and pain, yet this Psalm recalls that God provided his people in tough times and in the days of bountiful blessing in the promise land. In both the good times and the bad, God blessed them and cared for them. His people knows that and thank Him for it.
Often in the bad times we failed to recognize God's hand of blessings. At times we may not even see any positive in our situation but God always gives blessing even though they many not be seen.
May we find things to be thankful everyday of the year, not once or twice but a daily gratitude of what the Lord had done in our life. See God's hand at work in us and praise Him. He gives us multiple blessings. Yes, we face difficulties sometimes but focus on the load of blessings that surround you and thank God for them. In the bad or the good times, Thank and praise Him for He is good!

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Flowers and Scrapbooking

Finally, I started another album. All of my scrapbooking are in an unfinished state. I do wish I have more time to devote to it.

I like the concept of scrapbooking. This is an opportunity to record  family events and spiritual milestones. Every pages can be an encouragement, a tangible reminder of the goodness of God.

I will try to do one album at a time If possible.

This morning, we did a lot of cleaning in the yard. We cut down our grapevine leaves, ready for next year.
I did not able to do my vegetable garden this year but I am glad that some of my perennials that I planted last year are all in full bloom.These photos were taken a month ago.


grapes. We cut all the branches this morning. Last year I made grape jelly but this year, birds are taken over :)

 Our backyard