Sunday, March 11, 2012

Purpose in the Storm

I was driving home alone from our  CPR training when heavy and strong rain sets in, along with it, the wind was also whipping against every vehicle and there was lightning. It was so intense that I could only see a few feet in front of us. Other drivers were slowing down and even some stopping on the side of the road. It was quick, but hard.

I am not new in thunderstorm. I've experienced most deadliest and damaging typhoons ever hit the Philippines that last for days every year that leave people homeless and hopeless. 
The night when I was driving alone, I become a little fearful, not with all of the commotion around me or neither the strong winds and heavy rains but going through this storm alone. 
I had my share of many storms in my life and you have been too. In those times, it's hard not to focus on ourselves or on the situation. It's easy to sometimes feel that God has forgotten us. But there is purpose in the storm. The storm of life help shape and mold us. It builds faith, character, and worketh patience. (James 1:1-7). Most of all we learned to trust God.

There are many people in the midst of the storms of life without any hope. They are alone, scared and crashed. Many who are right around us are struggling. I was just chatting to a good friend back home that go through a hard storm in her life right now. I wish I can touch her tangibly and hug her, but we're miles away. All I can do is hug her with my thoughts and prayers. For we know, that this too shall come to pass. Weeping may endure through the night but Joy cometh in the morning.
As a believers, our hope is in Christ, the One who can speak to the winds and the waves, "Peace be still." (Mark 4:39). He gives us His peace in the midst of the storm and calms our fearful hearts. 

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

To you my friend who are struggling in the storms of your life today. "Be still, and know that He is God".  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cherry Blossoms Theme

Cherry blossoms tree is well known for it's short yet brilliant blooming season which ends with an inevitable fall to the ground. It's the most popular landscape trees too because of their beautiful spring flowers, and many varieties produce tasty fruits.  I love, love cherry blossoms! They are beautiful trees!

My daughter's room, Jessica had a cherry blossoms branches hanging over her bed.  
and a cherry blossoms pillows.

...and yellow shades in my living room

And now, since our twins are in toddler beds and staying with us permanently. I am redecorating their rooms and add wall art on it. They do have a garden sticker theme in their wall before, but they love to peel them off and stick it somewhere. This time I will paint cherry blossoms tree in the wall. I already had a pattern to do it, got paint and brush and ready to go! 

The cherry blossom tree will be in the middle of toddler beds. Maybe added birds on it.

How about you? what's your favourite kids theme wall art ?