Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Be Fruitful

Hi there, it's been a warm sunny but beautiful week! Kids are home and I am enjoying their company :) We had barbeques in our backyard all the time and littles had fun in their kiddie pool. Once in a while when it's not too hot outside, I spend time reading or napping in my hammock.
My roses are all in full bloom. I will show you next time. My vegetables show their fruits already, it's not ripe yet but I'm thrilled to see them grow and bearing fruit.


Grape vines

Apple tree


green chillis


Green peppers

Green peas



My vegetable garden

“As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can we, unless we abide in Christ. No one can bear “fruits” without being connected to Christ, the Vine.
Whenever you wonder if you’re being fruitful, ask yourself, “Am I like Jesus? Is His life flowing through me each day? Do the fruits of my life point others to the Vine?”

Closer let me cling, my Saviour
You're the all-sufficient Vine
You alone can make me fruitful,
Blessed source of strength divine. 
What vegetables or trees that you planted this year? 
Have a great day!

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