Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Have A Purpose

I am not anguishing I am not floundering. I am not deceived.
I have a vision. I know who I am and who God created me to be.
I know my purpose. I have direction. I know God’s mandate for my life.
I am walking in the perfect will of God.
I know it’s not easy. I know it’s hard. But I’ve counted the cost. My goal is set. How could my career be easy when I am impacting this nation for God?
Also the generations to come! And eternity!
How can it be easy when I am destroying the plans of the devil?
Such is the power of my God-ordained career,
the highest calling ever given to women—motherhood!
I have embraced my calling. I am not intimidated by antagonists.
I will not be moved. My heart is fixed.
I may be hidden in my home, but look out world! I am sharpening and polishing my arrows. I am getting them ready to shoot forth and destroy the works of the enemy. In the power and anointing of God I am advancing His kingdom!


Cindy said...

Excellent post dear sis! Yes, I love being a mom and now being a grandma is even better, if that's possible.
Love and hugs, Cynthia

Unknown said...

Love love loved this post. Amen!